Santa Monica Pier Wedding

J + M

Who said that weddings need to be traditional?

I met J back in June 2022. She contacted me to capture her proposal to M; Later, she reached out telling me they were both going to get married and wanted to capture it at Santa Monica Pier!

Santa Monica Pier is a very special place for J; it is one of her favs. Locations as she considers; her Happy Place. However, it goes more profound and more romantic than that. J & M met in bumble during the 2020 crazy year when J asked M to be her girlfriend was on a Ferris wheel; in fact, their first date was at a fair. When M told J she wanted to marry her, it was on a Ferris wheel, and when M proposed to J was on a Ferris wheel!! - The only right answer for their love story is a wedding session on a Ferris wheel!!!!

California Love Story at its finest!

The day of the session was beyond perfect, with perfect weather, perfect sky, and the sun was out and warm; I mean, it can’t get more perfect! We started walking around Santa Monica Pier, and of course, I had to ask if we could go on the Ferris Wheel ( I hope you know by now it was a YES with no hesitation); it was my first time on the Santa Monica Ferris wheel (Excited!!!!!) but more excited to see J & M just enjoying their moment and showing their love to each other!!!

We ended our day by the beach with the Santa Monica Fair as our background and the perfect golden sunshine. Indeed, one of my fav. Adventures with a lovely couple. A wedding doesn’t need to be traditional or what people may define as a wedding; I am a huge believer a wedding is what YOU get to define it, and in this case was sharing each other love on a Ferris wheel!!


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